
Archive for March 2012

This post made me giggle several times.  And because stress and busyness seem to have made laughs less frequent lately, I just had to pass this on.  I hope you all enjoy!

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Thankfulness for this week:

10. Stinkerbell performing at our local “Spring Fling” festival

9. March Madness

8. Dogwoods & azaleas starting to bloom

7. Starting a new ecology unit with my students

6. Bagels with cream cheese

5. My mother’s willingness to listen

4. Patience when you need it most

3. Ax Men episodes

2. Swamp People episodes

1. My special someone

I came across this video from Jimmy Kimmel Live.  And although I do not personally have a Twitter account, I am intrigued to say the least.  Especially when you consider the possibility of interacting with your favorite celebrities.  Enjoy watching these famous folks read some of their hilarious tweets!

What I am grateful for this week …

10. Beautiful, warm days

9. Stinkerbell’s progress in a difficult math unit

8. Movies that make me laugh

7. Advice from my mother

6. Students with manners

5. Awesome lesson with my Confirmand at church

4. Reading & studying scripture

3. Discovery Channel’s “Peguin Cam”

2. Affirmation from a dear friend

1. Quality time with my special someone

I came across this video on one of the blogs that I follow.  It is simply too cool, so enjoy!

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This week’s thankfulness:

10. Being given my grandmother’s diamond ring

9. Stinkerbell acting in the play at this month’s American Girl Club meeting

8. Listening to my little cousin sing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”

7. Troy on Swamp People

6. Rediscovering songs I had forgotten about

5. Fun with my church family at a bowling birthday party

4. Honest conversations with people who really matter

3. My biology students enjoying their lab activities

2. Stinkerbell carrying the Bible into the sanctuary during Worship

1. Laughing with my special someone

Is it just me, or is anyone else dreading the time change tonight?  I know there are lots of advantages to more daylight, warmer temperatures, etc.  But, I personally do not like losing an hour of my precious time.  Life is crazy busy, and I need all the weekend down time that I can get.  Not to mention the fact that it will take my Stinkerbell a good week to adjust.  So for the record, I would like to officially say that I prefer to “Fall Back” and gain an hour!

Things I am grateful for this week …

10. Stinkerbell having her artwork chosen for an art show at our county museum

9. Students who actually get my sarcasm

8. Capri’s lasagna

7. Napoleon Dynamite

6. Support from my co-workers

5. Good memories

4. My goofy lab, Jake

3. Serving in the nursery at my church during Sunday morning worship

2. My mother for stepping in when I need her most

1. Spending an afternoon on the lake with my special someone

If you are looking for an inspirational and thought-provoking blog, you should check out PC Walker.  One of his posts for this week particularly struck a chord with me because it features samples from his spoken word EP.  If you have a moment, check our PC’s blog.  I promise it is well-worth your time.


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