
Posts Tagged ‘Tuesday Ten

What I give thanks for this week:

10. Awesome choreography weekend for Stinkerbell’s dance team

9. Rodan+Fields payday

8. Good orthodontist checkup for Stinkerbell

7. Preparing for a new year in the classroom

6. Killer workouts with my trainer

5. Fantastic Club Cardio hip hop class

4. Opportunity for Stinkerbell to babysit

3. Fun team building activities in the mountains with my coworkers

2. Great schedule & teachers for Stinkerbell’s 8th grade year

1. Getting to help with Open House at the dance studio

My gratitude for this week:

10. Exciting new dance season for Stinkerbell

9. Getting back into my school groove

8. New leads for my Rodan+Fields business

7. Funny memes on Facebook

6. Catching up with my teacher friends

5. Watching movies on a lazy Saturday

4. Spending time with my parents

3. Great workouts with my trainer

2. Getting back into prepping my meals

1. Visits with my special someone

My gratitude for the week …

10. Stinkerbell being selected for a higher level dance company this year

9. Fun Club Cardio hip hop class

8. Great check up for our sweet kitty cat

7. Another babysitting gig for Stinkerbell

6. Good workouts at 9Round

5. Closing out a great month with my Rodan+Fields business

4. Starting back on my meal plan

3. Fun free movie with Stinkerbell

2. New Erin Condren Life Planner

1. Lovely memorial service for one of my high school friends

Thanks for this week:

10. Great intensive week for Stinkerbell at dance

9. Stinkerbell getting to babysit two of her favorites

8. Killer workouts with my personal trainer

7. Pampering myself with a much-needed massage

6. Coffee with a new friend & her son

5. Interesting choreography on SYTYCD

4. Awesome regional Rodan+Fields business meeting

3. Great second episode of Hell On Wheels

2. Annual gathering with my oldest & dearest friends

1. Texts from my special someone

We were out of town last week, so here’s what I gave thanks for during the past two weeks …

10. Fabulous week in Myrtle Beach

9. Stinkerbell scoring five stars on her solo at Starpower National Competition

8. Stinkerbell’s team having two dances selected for The Battle of the Stars

7. Stinkerbell’s team being named National Grand Champions for their production number

6. Opportunities to meet local leaders in Rodan+Fields

5. Awesome photo shoot for my business

4. New season of Hell On Wheels

3. Great choreography on So You Think You Can Dance

2. Support from my fellow dance moms

1. Spending time with my special someone

Things I am give thanks for this week:

10. Stinkerbell’s team rehearsing for Nationals

9. Stinkerbell getting another babysitting job

8. Fresh watermelon

7. Checking dental appointments off my list

6. Checking hair appointments off my list

5. Closing out a great month in my Rodan+Fields business

4. My dependable yard guy

3. Killer workouts with my trainer

2. Catching up with an old friend

1. Celebrating the 4th of July

This week’s gratitude:

10. Fun sleepover for Stinkerbell

9. Fresh watermelon

8. Our sweet kitty cat

7. Fun gathering for my Rodan+Fields business

6. Great workout sessions

5. Helping out with football camp at our school

4. Fun afternoon swimming with friends

3. Great week of Vacation Bible School

2. Finishing all seasons of Game of Thrones

1. Funny texts from my special someone

What I give thanks for this week:

10. Summer dance classes for Stinkerbell

9. Stinkerbell getting to babysit

8. Starting another round of personal training

7. Good thyroid checkup

6. Dinner at Moe’s

5. Catching up over dinner with a family friend

4. Good meeting with fellow Rodan+Fields consultants

3. Fun game night birthday celebration for two friends

2. Finishing the first season of Game of Thrones

1. Special time with my special someone

My gratitude for the past two weeks:

10. Wonderful dress rehearsal & dance recital for Stinkerbell

9. Getting to chaperone a super-cool field trip with Stinkerbell’s class

8. Behind the scenes tour of the Georgia Aquarium

7. Adorable baby pandas at Zoo Atlanta

6. Fun at The World of Coca-Cola

5. Great month with Rodan+Fields

4. New season of SYTYCD

3. Coyote Coffee

2. Dinner & catching up with my family

1. Fun morning with my special someone

What I am thankful for this week:

10. Another great competition for Stinkerbell’s dance studio

9. Spending time with my fellow dance moms

8. My personal trainer at 9Round

7. Sleeping through the night

6. Folks who follow my blog

5. Sharing Rodan+Fields with friends

4. Krispy Kreme donuts

3. Series finale of The Following

2. Season finale of The Blacklist

1. Getting to see my special someone


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