
Posts Tagged ‘Recital

This week’s thanks:

10. Great recital for Stinkerbell’s dance studio

9. Getting to watch dress rehearsal

8. Fun banquet for Stinkerbell’s competition teams

7. Yummy Mexican food with dance mom friends

6. The coconut wheel on Candy Crush

5. Wrapping up grades at school

4. Graduation ceremony for the Class of 2014

3. Great dinner & fellowship with work friends

2. New season of SYTYCD

1. My special someone making me smile again

My thanks for this week:

10. Awards Day at Stinkerbell’s school

9. Smooth dress rehearsal for Stinkerbell’s dance recital

8. Two wonderful shows for Stinkerbell’s dance studio

7. My dance mom friends who always pitch in

6. Quiet time for myself

5. Decent end of course exam scores for my biology students

4. Season finale of Ax Men

3. Last Monday of the school year

2. Awesome graduation ceremony for the Class of 2013

1. Nice evening by the fire with my special someone


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